Thursday, 13 November 2014

The Advantages of Microblogging in Journalism

What is Microblogging? 

Microblogging is a variety of blogging first introduced by Facebook followed by Twitter and Jalku in 2006. A microblog post can be any information condensed into about 40 characters, which could include links, video, audio or visual information. This makes for a very quick process, especially helpful when covering live news. Since 2006 Twitter has taken over as the main platform for micro posts. According to The Indiana University School of Journalism microblogging is the most regularly used form of social media for journalists; the breakdown of their findings bellow indicates just this.

Why Microblog? 

Sites such as Twitter are used by journalists for many reasons. The three key reasons being promotion of themselves as a brand and their work, directly engaging with their audience and faster reporting. Most journalists would have a Twitter page and on such a link to their blog. A typical journalist Twitter page would have posts, questions and information regarding topics they are covering or interested in covering. The microblog platform allows a journalist to test ideas and ask questions, simultaneously curating (curation blog post to follow) receiving feedback and promoting their work. The chart bellow indicates the main advantages to social media and microblogging; again provided by The Indiana University School of Journalism.

How I used Twitter and What I Gained as a Journalist using the Site 

As a new journalist I found Twitter and the concept of it very exciting, it is a way to get my name and idea's out and into the cyber world of journalism. Before I could even begin posting and networking I had to design and set up my profile page, which as I learned it was incredibly important to combine a personal and professional appearance, as well as including the appropriate information about myself. With that done I have since been posting links to my blog, storify posts, commenting, asking questions and getting fast feedback on my ideas.

I have gained the most out of Twitter by asking questions, using hashtags, user handles and receiving feedback and answers pretty quickly; so that my posts and delivery of information is accurate and fast. Also as a new journalist there are many tools such as storify and tips I need to learn about blogging, asking questions and getting support from matured journalists couldn't be easier!

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